Free Downloadable Cycling First Aid Course

Steve Evans, a Paramedic and cyclist has created a first aid course which is aimed specifically at cyclists. He is distributing the course as widely as possible and at no charge.

First aid is an issue that can often be overlooked and ignorance of even basic procedures can result in unnecessary trauma and serious situations becoming worse. If it’s an area that you haven’t looked at for a while – or even if you have – then the course is freely available to download and use.

Copyright of the material belongs to Steve but the course can be circulated and used freely by all cyclists and first aiders.

The course consists of a free-standing Powerpoint presentation. Right click on the link below and save the file below to your computer. Double click it to run it – you do not need to have Powerpoint installed on your computer. Navigation through the course is by mouse click.

Cycling First Aid Course


  1. First class information Steve, thank you.
    It underlines, for me, the need for ‘hands on’ training in cycling specific first aid.

  2. Heard (the very engaging and inspirational) Steve on Saturday Morning Live and am keen to obtain a copy of his guide.

  3. As a cyclist and a trained first aider ,feel its my dutie to be aware of my surronding whilst out cycling and this powerpoint show is very informative ,should be more cyclists whom are trained first aider.
    nice one Steve

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